Zinette Moussa

Zinette Moussa

Researcher, Entomologist, LARI

Zinette Moussa holds a diploma of agricultural engineering and a M.S. degree in Management and Conservation of Natural Resource from the Lebanese University. Since 2000, she joined the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) as Assistant Researcher and later as head of the laboratory of Entomology in the Department of plant protection. In addition she is in charged in food safety test related to storage insects. Her researches focused on insects infesting agriculture crops and forests in order to improve agriculture production and conserve biodiversity. She participated in many projects implemented or funded by local and international organizations. She provides technical supports and extensions to farmers and citizens through the application LARI LEB, seminars, field demonstration, TV programs, booklets and brochures. She is active members in TEAM Steering committee of fruit fly in Europe, Asia and the Middle East and member in PMU Project Management Unit for the surveillance and identification of Fruit Flies in Lebanon. She also studied the beneficial insects in the Lebanese fauna and wrote a booklet on this topic. Her objective is to help farmers and improve agriculture and food quality.


LARI Presentetion (10:35AM - 11:00 AM)